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Little Lucy and the Doctor Page 11
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Page 11
She stared at him slack-jawed, and he watched her expression change from morose to surprise to elation. With a wild whoop of delight she jumped up and threw herself at him.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Yes! Yes! YES! Oh - what a fantastic idea! I'd love it, I really would!" She broke away from his embrace and pranced comically around the consulting room. "Really and truly? Can you make it happen?"
"Of course." He smiled at her indulgently, delighted she was so happy. "Come and give me a hug."
She was in his arms in a trice, purring contentedly against the expanse of his broad chest. "Thank you so much. It's a wonderful opportunity in so many ways."
He nodded his agreement. "Your work is top notch, little one. I've spoken to the other practitioners and they agree with me. The receptionist who works Monday through to Wednesday has got herself another job, and if she takes all the annual leave owed to her, she'll be leaving next Friday. Which means of course, that you can take up your duties the following Monday. Perfect timing huh?"
"Yes!" She sighed happily. "We should celebrate!"
"We should and we will." Simon glanced at his watch. "How about we eat lunch in the park today and you can feed any scraps to the ducks? I can't take the full hour, but I can do 40 minutes. Then this evening, we'll go to that new Italian restaurant that's opened up on Main Street. Does that appeal?"
"That would be lovely." She clapped her hands. "I'm so excited!"
He laughed. Her enthusiasm and euphoria was contagious. "I'll book us a table for 8pm. Meanwhile, why don't you ring and order sandwiches and get them delivered before noon, then we can go straight out to the park without waiting to be served at the sandwich shop."
"Great idea!" She ran off to make the call.
Jodie Marshall was using up a few days annual leave, and what better way was there to spend them than seducing Dr Simon Dale. She was still annoyed by his rebuff, but her earlier rage had given way to a steely determination to get him into her bed. It was a matter of principle. She was not used to being rejected. With her looks she could have any man she wanted; only one had slipped the net, and that was Simon... she would soon change that.
It didn't take long for her to find that he worked at The Beeches on Thursday and Friday each week. She logged the address of the clinic into her sat nav, spent an hour dressing to kill, then got in her car.
She arrived at The Beeches a few minutes after noon, and was just about to turn into the parking lot when, much to her surprise, Simon came out of the building by a side door. She was even more surprised to see that he had his arm round a girl. She frowned. The pair of them were laughing as they walked. Jodie stared at the girl.
"What the hell?" She stared harder. The girl was tiny, just a little over 5 feet, and Simon towered over her. Whoever she was, she couldn't possibly be in any sort of sexual relationship with him - she looked far too young for that. Or did she? When Simon paused to kiss his diminutive companion full on the lips, Jodie seethed with anger. But not a person to be thwarted, she waited until the couple had left the Beeches and crossed the road, and then she parked her car and set off on foot after them, watching through venom-filled eyes as they sat on a bench close to the lake, kissed, and ate lunch.
Keeping out of sight, Jodie skirted behind the pair and sat on a bench some 15 metres away. It was obscured from view by a shrubbery, so from that vantage point she sat and observed from a distance.
"Are you enjoying that, poppet?" Simon reached to brush breadcrumbs from Lucy's chin as she took another huge bite from her chicken sandwich.
"Mmm. It's yummy. How's yours?"
"It's good. Don't forget to save some for the ducks."
"I won't," she assured him, and tossed a piece of bread high into the air.
Several eagle-eyed ducks and geese cried raucously. In seconds they were out of the water and ambling up the bank towards the pair on the bench. Lucy shrieked in delight as she broke off more bread and threw it to the waiting hoards. Simon joined in too, and much to Jodie's disgust, his deep laugh carried to where she was sitting.
"Damn the man," she hissed. "And damn her!" She sat in a cold fury, watching the two lovers enjoying themselves. And when at length Simon got up and kissed the girl tenderly, then departed, Jodie smiled grimly.
One Simon was out of sight, she left her hiding place and walked to the bench where the girl was sitting, enjoying the sunshine.
Lucy was leaning back, her eyes half closed, enjoying the warm sun on her face. When a shadow blocked the sun, she opened her eyes to see a tall woman standing before her. Lucy smiled. "Hello." There was no answering smile. Instead, the woman appeared to be scrutinising her. Lucy looked again. The woman, whoever she was, oozed sex appeal in her short skirt, high heels, and provocatively low-cut top. She was very beautiful, but clearly angry, and there was something about her that frightened Lucy. She wished that Simon was here. But he wasn't. So she took a deep breath and asked, "Can I help you?"
"No," came the response. "But I can help you. I saw you with Dr Dale. There's something going on between the two of you, isn't there?"
"What if there is?" Lucy swallowed. She didn't like this woman or the line of conversation.
Jodie smiled, her ruby-glossed lips forming into a sneer of contempt, her eyes glinting with malice, at this chit of a girl who had usurped her in Simon's affections. "Then let me tell you, you don't know him as well as you think you do."
"What do you mean?" asked Lucy uneasily.
"I mean that he's my lover. And he's so good at that, isn't he. I've never met a man with such incredible sexual prowess, and he gives great oral, don't you agree?"
Lucy's face turned white at the revelation. She shook her head emphatically. "I don't know who you are, nor do I care. I don't believe you, so why don't you just get lost!"
Jodie laughed. "Much as I enjoy a threesome, my relationship with Simon is just between he and I - I'm not going to share him with anyone, especially you. You're nothing more than a kid. You should get back to the nursery where you belong," she hissed. "Leave the fucking to real women, not a brainless idiotic-looking dwarf like you."
Lucy grabbed her shoulder bag and stood up. "I'm leaving. Go and insult someone else, just piss off and leave me alone."
"Just piss off and leave me alone," repeated Jodie in a falsetto little girl voice. "I don't think so. You don't believe me, huh? Very well, let's confront him - together." Filled with a mixture of hate and glee, Jodie stalked after Lucy, following in her wake, and when they reached the clinic, she roughly elbowed the young girl out of the way as she strode towards the consulting room door that had a sign which read Dr Simon Dale. Without knocking, she barged straight in.
Simon looked up at the intrusion. "What the ...?" He beheld the towering figure of Jodie Marshall, and behind her, his Little Lucy, her face pale with shock and upset.
"Simon!" Lucy ran towards him and buried her face in his chest.
"Oh how touching," drawled Jodie.
"Jodie, I have no idea why you're here but I take great exception to your unannounced intrusion. I have a patient due in ten minutes, so get out of my office, and don't you dare upset Lucy."
"Lucy? That's her name, is it? She's a pathetic little scrap of ugliness. You need your head examining if you've resorted to fucking the likes of her."
Simon got to his feet, his face a mask of anger. Lucy stepped back. She had never seen him so angry. "I said get out, Jodie." His tone was icy.
"Not so fast, darling. I've already informed your little friend here how you came to my apartment after the conference to seduce me." She turned to Lucy. "Did he tell you he masturbated me with his car keys? Oh that was fun!"
"You liar," said Simon. "How dare you come here spouting such crap. What the hell is wrong with you, woman?"
"You're mine, Simon. You know it. I know it. And now she knows it. We're so good together, baby, you can't deny it."
"You're out of your mind. Fuck off out of here, or-"
"Or what?" she interrupted.
"I'll have no hesitation in calling the police to get you thrown out, and I'll put in an official complaint about you to the hospital board. You'll be looking for another job soon if I have anything to do with it."
Jodie's eyes blazed green fury. She faced him, her hands on her hips. "Oh so that's how you want to play it, huh? I think not. I have a copy of my apartment building's CCTV footage the night you came home with me after the conference, and I have witnesses who heard the altercation. They heard me screaming when you tried to rape me. They heard the sound of breaking glass when I hurled a vase at you when you attacked me. I think it's YOU who will be looking for a new job, Dr Dale," she said sarcastically. Leaning close, she hissed, "I'll see to it that your name is mud. Your professional credibility will be ruined. I'll break you if it's the last thing I do!" She straightened to her full height, and darted a look of triumph, adding, "And I shall take such pleasure in it." She turned and moved towards the door.
"Not so fast, you mad bitch." Simon pulled his phone out of his pocket. "The night of the conference you got me to drive you home, then you pulled the car keys out of the ignition and ran into your apartment so I had no option but to follow you."
"So?" she said boldly. She held all the cards.
This time, it was Simon's turn to smile. Knowing your reputation and your persistent and devious nature, I used my initiative." He held up the phone. "And it's just as well I did." He turned up the volume and pressed a button to play back the recording.
Jodie stared in alarm as she heard her own voice, and the conversation that ensued:
"You want your keys, you'll just have to come and get them."
"Bloody infuriating woman... This is no joke, Jodie. Give me my damned keys back - now."
"Come and get them, big boy."
"Oh for fuck's sake ..."
"Loosen up, Simon. You've worked hard all day. It's time for some enjoyment, don't you think?"
"I really wouldn't like to tell you what I think right now. Can't you get it into that stupid head of yours that I'm not interested in you. I thought I'd made that perfectly clear."
"Not clear enough, obviously. Well - do you want your keys or don't you?"
"Hand them over, Jodie."
"Shan't.. Take a seat and enjoy the show... Oh you're such hard work! But I know just what to do to get you going... You like what you see, huh? Cat got your tongue, Dr Dale? Let's see if this provokes further reaction... Well someone's happy to see me. Let's take a closer look. I'm going to give you the best blow job of your life, darling... Oh my, is this all for me...?"
"Actually darling, none of it's for you. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time I was on my way."
"What?! You're turning me down? How dare you!"
"Too right I am."
"What the hell are you looking at?"
"I'm looking at a desperate woman. And believe me, it's not a pretty sight."
"You utter bastard!! How dare you do this to me?! Fuck you, dick head!"
At this point on the recording, there came more ranting and yelling from Jodie as Simon closed the door behind him. A few seconds later there came an almighty crash and the sound of splintering, the recording ending with Simon muttering, "Bloody psycho."
For long seconds there was complete silence in the room. Lucy put her little hand in Simon's large one and felt him squeeze her fingers reassuringly. Jodie was incredulous, staring ashen-faced at Simon's phone.
"Give that to me!" she yelled, darting forward.
"Go to hell," snapped Simon, putting the phone in his pocket. "I suggest you leave. Now. All further communication will be done through my solicitor."
Jodie staggered back as though she'd been struck. "No. You wouldn't."
"Just watch me. Now get out of my office and stay out of my life."
Jodie left, totally stunned at the developments. She had met her match.
Lucy got through the afternoon on autopilot. The encounter with that awful woman had truly upset her. She was traumatized. When Simon's last patient left just after 5pm, Simon went over to the reception desk.
"I don't know about you, my love, but I shall be glad to get out of here and go home."
"Me too."
Simon looked at her little face and was desperately sorry she was so upset. "She's gone, Lucy. We'll go home, talk about what happened, and then I want you to push her out of your mind once and for all."
Lucy was quiet on the journey back to Simon's. But when they arrived and made coffee, Lucy looked at him and smiled. "I never doubted you. I trust you, see?"
"I know you do, princess." He pulled out his phone and played the recording again, then filled in the gaps, explaining to Lucy exactly what happened. "I just shrugged off the whole episode and got on with my life, but when she came and hounded you, that was it. I'll not tolerate anyone threatening or upsetting you."
"I know, and I'm glad." She stroked his hand. "We were supposed to go out and celebrate tonight. Would you mind very much if we deferred it? I'm fine, really I am, but after that trauma I just don't feel in the mood for celebrating."
"No problem. I'll cancel our reservation and we'll have a quiet night in. We'll have your favourite burger and fries for dinner, and watch a movie. How's that sound?"
"That sounds wonderful."
He smiled at her. "There is just one thing. I was going to show this to you at the restaurant, but I'll do it now instead." From his top pocket he produced an ivory envelope. In it was an invitation to Dr Simon Dale and guest to the annual summer ball organised by the hospital board. "It's all very formal, and you'd maybe find it a bit stuffy - but we'll get you a posh evening dress and anything else you need. So, would you like to attend?"
"Of course. Who else?!"
"But, I ... I thought you preferred to keep our relationship quiet from your colleagues."
"I've changed my mind. I'd love you to come. You're a big part of my life, Lucy. I see no reason to hide you away." To his surprise, she blinked back tears.
"I thought ... I thought you'd be ashamed of me," she whispered.
"What? Why ever would you think that? I've never been ashamed of you."
"Because I'm not clever like you, and I'm much younger than you, and I'm only little ... and sometimes I don't want to be a grown up."
Simon chuckled. "Lucy, you're bright and intelligent and have a lovely personality, and I love you just the way you are."
She blinked. Her face lit up. "You do?"
"Of course I do. Come here." He held out his arms and she hurtled into them.
"I love you more than anything, and I've been dying to tell you for ages but didn't dare in case it scared you off."
"It doesn't scare me off. Quite the opposite." He leaned down to kiss her. "My little Lucy, come sit down. We have some talking to do about our future."
The sun streamed in through the window and a blackbird sang from the boughs of the old apple tree in the garden, but neither Simon nor Lucy heard it. They were too busy making plans.
Also by Chloe Carpenter...
Little Lizbet
Lizbet is pretty and diminutive in stature, a woman who looks much younger than her years. She works as a freelance book illustrator. In her private life she attends BDSM clubs with her friend Chrissie, and learns to embrace her submissive side. But in all her encounters there has been something lacking - which changes when she meets Daniel, a kind and wealthy American living in London. As their relationship develops, she spends weekends at his home where Daniel takes on the role of 'Daddy', a loving carer and disciplinarian. Lizbet loves feeling like a little girl again, and enjoys playtimes, bubble baths and cute clothes, bedtime stories and snuggle time. Although she tries to be good, she has a talent for being bad, and when she breaks the rules, she pays the consequences on her naughty bottom. Diapers, drop seat pyjamas, sippy cups and early bedtimes are just some of the thi
ngs that Lizbet experiences in this ageplay love story portraying a shared need for D/s. It explores Lizbet's regression and lifestyle shift, and the exciting dynamics of a supportive ageplay relationship between an adult woman and an older man.
Little Ruthie
Ruthie has a secret... and a chance encounter with a wonderful older man called Tom enables her to share that secret, connect emotionally with him and accept who she really is - an adult 20 year-old woman who enjoys being a little girl, disciplined by her loving Daddy. Tom rescues Ruthie from an abusive relationship, and during a three-week stay at his cottage on the coast, gives her the opportunity to truly be herself. During this time she acts out some of her fantasies as she relinquishes her insecurities and responsibilities, experiencing some of the carefree activities of childhood - including fun on the beach, donkey rides, cuddles, playing with toys and dressing in cute little girl clothes. So convincing is her little girl persona that the local shopkeeper thinks she is Tom's young daughter. But Ruthie also enjoys a little humiliation and craves discipline - and Tom delivers that masterfully whenever his little girl breaks his rules. He gives her what she craves within a supporting, nurturing relationship. The power exchange facilitated by Dominance and submission is a key aspect of this story.
Little Evie
Evie is a 29 year-old woman but her diminutive stature and her angelic, youthful features make her look far younger than her years. She meets Dylan Draper at a low point in her life and is ecstatic when he offers her a job. Dylan has a strict work ethic - he never enters into a personal relationship with work colleagues - but all that changes with Evie. The two find they both share the same kinky interests and the spark between them grows as they develop an ageplay relationship underpinned by a sensual D/s dynamic and hot sex. Evie submits willingly to this older man who becomes her 'Daddy' and she is subject to his rules and discipline. She spends her weekends with Dylan and dresses as a little girl, appreciating the opportunity at those times to dispense with her adult self and play on the swing, play with toys, and snuggle up for a bedtime story. But it isn't always easy to be a good little girl, and Evie gets plenty of spankings... which together with humiliation aspects, invariably prove to be a huge turn on. They enjoy going to BDSM clubs, and under Dylan's guidance Evie is introduced to all manner of deliciously perverted and sensual pleasures which has her begging for more. Yet not everything runs smoothly. An unpleasant incident at work results in Evie running away, but Dylan comes through for her and shows just how much he cares for his Little Evie.